I shouldn't put it this was because it's like confessing that you're cheating on a diet that you put yourself on voluntarily, but for the last month or so I've found a way to get around the restrictions imposed by my RFAOH contract. I'm sticking to the letter of the law, but bending the spirit ever so slightly. And compulsively, as I describe in my April blog post over there.
I've made one piece of inadvertent artwork (pictured below and titled Multitasking) and then have been helping other people out with their projects (so making their art, not mine...)
Here's the breakdown of (mostly) other people's stuff that I've been up to and/or will be up to in the next little while:
- Packaging, labeling and selling “art-infused water” (like holy water, but with different properties...) and DIY art installation kits as a fundraiser for the production of the print catalog for NO RUSE. (PDF version of the catalog is done! Will post link to it on NO RUSE page shortly as well.)
- Modeling/acting the role of an FBI agent in photographs and in audio recordings for someone's upcoming installation.
- Creating two recipes and cooking them (along with a partner) in a test kitchen that set up in a gallery (more on this when it happens.)
- Acting as an onsite (text based) documentarian for an artist doing several very public live performances (more on this soon too.)
- Assembling some videos for a temporary TV channel.
Will try to post again sooner rather than later. Been work-working a lot (which as always, is good, and has also involved lots of lovely exposure to the arts.) Should also have an update on some long range plans for a group exhibit in the works for late 2015 by then.
Oh, also, not as an aside but as a direct response to the title of this post, will take this opportunity to share my happiness that a great pal along with a dear friend (and even occasional collaborator) were 2015 winners of Boston's most esteemed contemporary art prize, the ICA's Foster Prize. So also this post is a little celebration of other people's art!!