Hosted by Hey There Kapplow of Dirty Time (with Sally Beautytwin)
In 2022 and 2023, the dirtiest queers you know got their act together and formed a real bonerfide thinktank in order to fill the biggest gap in modern communication: the lack of an emoji for dirt. They spoke with small children in Norway and art students in the American South and hosted a month long installation of proposals and experiments and performances which they have just queerfully distilled down into a formal proposal and submitted to The Unicode Consortium for consideration for entry into the emoji lexicon alongside such beloved icons as 🌈🦄🍑🍆 and 💦. Perhaps soon the emoji for dirt will pop up on everyone’s devices between 🌵and 🌊, but you can be the first to see it at this celebratory meal featuring dirty food, dirty stories, and a participatory emoji reveal.
Thursday Apr 25, 2024 7pm.
Top secret location in Queens NY.
Email info(AT) for coordinates.
7pm Dirty Potluck - We’ll get things started with a shared meal. If you can, bring the dirtiest foods or drinks you can think of to contribute. What does that mean? Trust the dirtiest part of yourself to figure it out, but if you need help dirtying something basic up, we’ve got you covered–just bring what you’re inspired to bring and we’ll make it dirtier for you if need be.
7:30pm Dirty Stories - Once we’ve settled in with some food, we’ll start passing the mic. Who doesn’t like hearing a dirty story while they eat? Right? The dirtier the better.
8pm Slow Messy Reveal - The emoji reveal is collaborative. And the meal’s centerpiece. Will it be messy? Yes it will.
8:30pm Clean Up - I know, that seems counterintuitive. Still, if you stay to help clean up, we can offer…
9pm Dirty Karaoke After Party - Sing the dirtiest songs you know, songs about dirt, or super clean songs but accompanied by dirty dancing….