Join Dirty Time on Flux Island (Governors Island) for a day full of activities celebrating dirt and dirtyness!
We’ll start with a dirt collecting session from 1-3: Bring soil from somewhere in your life that is important to you or that has a good story behind it. We’ll accession your dirt into our traveling Dirty Library and you can tell its story on our Dirty Library Hotline. You can also listen to other people’s Dirty Stories.
At 3pm we’ll begin meandering. Join Dirty Time on a guided meditation/Dirty Walk where we’ll get up close and personal with Governors Island’s dirt, and eventually make our way to the Governors Island Dirtball Court and play a little dirtball (bring a ball–any ball–if you’ve got one) together to warm up/get our juices flowing for….
Dirty Karaoke at 5:30pm! This is when we sing our hearts out, railing against the impending doom of climate change. Bring your favorite song about dirt, death or destruction and we’ll help each other keep our spirits up.
Dirty Time is Walker Tufts & Heather Kapplow Dirt is a time capsule–it holds a record of everything that’s ever happened. And it’s a time machine–it breaks you down and shoots you into the future. But it’s here right now too. It feeds you and it eats you.
Dirty Time is here to guide you on a journey. You have been taught that dirty is bad, but it’s not true. Dirty is good. It’s very, very good. Dirt is your companion, your portal to the past and the future. And here’s a dirty little secret: there is no clean that’s not dirty. Not the cloud, not the Metaverse, and definitely not the screen. Dirty Time is here to help you recognize your glorious, delicious dirtiness–your connection to all time through dirt. To help you feel your rootedness and to get you sprouting. Join us on the journey!