i see the sun, i feel the sun is a collective, virtual solstice-acknowledging experience occurring via Whats App on a drop-in basis from December 21st - December 31st 2021.
It begins at sunset for you on the 21st (you can find your sunset here if you are in the USA: https://www.almanac.com/astronomy/sun-rise-and-set) and ends at sunset for you on the 31st. (The times listed on the event calendar here are for Brooklyn NY.)
At each of these two sunsets, you are invited to find a very comfortable position where you won't be disturbed, to set an alarm for 20 minutes, and then to do nothing at all except be as comfortable as possible until the alarm goes off.
Between these two sunsets, we will use the What's App group to note what time we first see the sun each day, and when we first feel the sun on our bodies each day. During these days after the darkest day of the year, this will remind us of the sun every time someone else first sees or feels it. And provide communal evidence that light in our lives is growing slightly longer each day.
If you would like to join, follow this link on your phone: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JDAN9xjltzO4sot7gCSJ4u
Your participation will be anonymous unless someone in the group already has your phone number in their address book.
Instigated by Lena Hawkins and conceived for a 2021 winter solstice event planned for the Sunview Luncheonette community, but cancelled due to rising Covid rates.