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"Pure Luxury" Survey Open to Everyone!


I am currently an artist in residence at BilbaoArte in Bilbao (Spain) where I’m working on a project called Pure Luxury that I began at another residency, earlier in 2019, in Zurich (Switzerland).

Pure Luxury is inspired by the boom in luxury housing developments in Boston (United States,) where I am based, and explores people’s ideas about luxury: where their ideas come from and what commonalities there are in terms of people’s feelings about luxury in disparate places.

I am already running tests on materials and making some sketches, but in the Fall I will begin earnestly fabricating objects meant to distill “pure luxury” from the information I have collected through surveys, and via interviews about luxury that I’ve been conducting with the general public and with people working in luxury industries during these residencies.

For the next few months, I’m inviting you (casual web surfers who have landed on this page, and my own community in Boston and worldwide,) to contribute to this investigation as well. If you have time, please take my survey!

It is currently available in English and in (computer-translated) Spanish and German. (Computer generated) Danish and Russian are coming in August.